我們的大腦並非設計來儲存大量資訊,而是用來思考和創造的。Our brain is designed primarily for thinking, not for memorizing.
read more我們的大腦並非設計來儲存大量資訊,而是用來思考和創造的。Our brain is designed primarily for thinking, not for memorizing.
read more談判的目的是「得到你想要的」。The purpose of negotiation is to get what you want.
read more別窮忙一輩子,你活著不是為了工作。You work to live, not live to work.
read more掌握底層邏輯,才能在瞬息萬變的世界中找到不變的方向。Mastering the underlying logic allows us to find a constant direction in a rapidly changing world.
read more成功的關鍵不在於清楚知道做什麼,而在於理解為什麼做這些事情。The key to success is not in knowing what to do, but in understanding why we do these things.
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